


根据 世界经济论坛, 2023 will see a new form of entrepreneurship emerge–one that is “more diverse, 更多的社会意识, 不要害怕多重忙碌.” This new age of business ownership sounds like a perfect environment for women entrepreneurs to flourish in since they come to business ownership with an abundance of courage, 韧性, 和创新.

我的父亲拥有一家小公司,我的祖父和叔叔们也是如此. So, in 2008 I felt pretty good about starting my own business and thought I could get my company off the ground without a hitch. 许多年以后, I look back and laugh at the casualness with which I launched my new venture, but I am proud of the company I’ve built and what I’ve learned riding the rollercoaster of entrepreneurship.

Here are 14 tips for aspiring women entrepreneurs I’ve learned over the years:

  1. 得到网络
    This is almost nothing more powerful for aspiring entrepreneurs than the reach and help of their network. 想想你认识的人(朋友), 亲戚, 现在和以前的同事, 足球妈妈们, 或者你认识的练瑜伽的人, 等.可以帮助你起步的人,或者认识可以帮助你起步的人. 除了, networking with contacts in different industries can help you narrow your focus on the type of business you want to start and get a realistic view of entrepreneurship.
  2. 做一个木匠...
    一旦你缩小了选择范围, 加入相关组织, 参加贸易展览和其他活动, 找到当地的社交团体, 在那里你可以扩展你的网络…
  3. ...和一个害虫
    我不是说你应该跟踪其他女企业主, 但是一定要接触你想要效仿的女性. Most women entrepreneurs are mindful of the challenges of business startup and happy to give advice and help other women succeed.
  4. 找一位导师
    师徒关系是至关重要的——尤其是当你进入一个新的行业时. A 皇冠现金官网的导师 can help you navigate all phases of business ownership and can often connect you with other key players, 比如卖主或供应商.
  5. 形成一个豆荚
    I have always tried to surround myself with people I trust and rely on them for advice and support. 作为回报,我支持他们. (当我们刚开始的时候)不要犹豫寻求帮助, 我以折扣价转租了一个朋友办公室的空间。.

    的se people have stuck with me through my business’s startup phase and as my company has grown. Your pod doesn’t need to consist only of women—mine doesn’t—but the women in my pod are badass and brave.
  6. 为启动保存
    I immediately learned that starting a business is more expensive than you think. 如果你能在计划创业的同时保住你现在的工作——并且存钱, 保存, 尽可能多地存钱, 这样你就不会缺钱了. Startup funding is hard to get whether you’re a man or a woman (though typically, 这对女性来说更难), so it’s smart to build and keep an emergency fund in the bank for unexpected expenses.
  7. 以物易物换取服务
    最初, it’s always a good idea to trade skills with other businesses when you need help and can’t afford to pay for it. 例如, 如果你认识一个好的平面设计师, you can offer to assist with their marketing copy or accounting services in exchange for a new logo.
  8. 提升自己作为女性企业主的地位
    Consumers want to support women business owners, particularly other women. Make sure you are the face of your company and that your story is a part of your marketing efforts. Create an “关于 Me” page on your website and tell your audience what makes you tick. 然后在社交媒体上传播这个消息.
  9. 雇佣慢慢
    刚开始的时候雇佣一整个员工是很昂贵的, 所以考虑使用兼职员工, 独立承包人, 和实习生. 你不仅会节省一些钱, but you’ll give yourself time to figure out exactly what roles you need to fill in your company to make it a success.
  10. 委托
    缓慢招聘并不意味着你应该亲力亲为. Many women have a problem delegating because they’ve personalized their businesses and tasks so much that they feel no one can do them as well as they can. 关注大局,把小的工作委托给别人.
  11. 管理你的时间
    I’m going to be brutally honest: 的re is no life/work balance when starting a business. This can be a massive trigger for guilt in women—especially those with families to raise. 女性仍然倾向于承担大部分的家庭责任, 这会占用他们投资业务的宝贵时间. 寻求帮助是可以的! Tell your family and friends you may need extra support during your business’s startup stages and let go of the guilt.

    And full disclosure: To this day, I still struggle with managing my time.
  12. 习惯听到No
    Starting a business is exciting and one of the most fulfilling things you’ll ever do. 但它也可能令人心碎,充满了拒绝. 准备好被说“不”的次数比你听过这个词的次数还要多. My advice is to follow the wise words of Taylor Swift—“shake it off” and keep on going.
  13. 世上没有所谓的完美
    So many women are stymied in their startup pursuits because many of us were raised to be good little girls, 按规则行事, 得全A, 做到完美. 不幸的是,这种追求完美的目标一直伴随着我们进入商界. 这可能是一个重大的障碍.

    One of the best pieces of advice I received early on was from a successful female entrepreneur. She said, “My mother raised me not to talk to strangers and never ask people for money. 后来我长大了, 创业, 发现我不仅要和陌生人说话, 但我不得不向他们中的一些人要钱!”

    I’ve learned that striving for perfection can be a waste of time and money. 有时候足够好就是足够好. 这是一个教训 精益创业在你认为自己准备好之前就开始行动. 不断迭代.
  14. 有信心
    It’s hard, especially for women, to overcome the fear of failure (see #12). But that’s what your pod, mentors, and network are for—to remind you of your value.

    用一句谚语来说:“假装直到你成功。.这听起来可能有些夸张,但每个人都或多或少地接受过这种说法. 假装能帮你建立自信. 一旦你相信自己,别人也会相信你.
Rieva Lesonsky
里瓦•列松斯基是GrowBiz Media的总裁兼首席执行官, a custom content and media company focusing on small business and entrepreneurship, 以及博客SmallBusinessCurrents.com.
格伦·W. 贝利基金会

格伦·W. 贝利基金会

格伦·W. 贝利基金会 是佛罗里达, 纽约, Connecticut and DC area organizations working to help us realize our vision and continue our mission of fostering pathways to success in STEM careers and entrepreneurial opportunities. Our Foundation’s focus also includes solving complex environmental and high-mortality disease research funding issues.

格伦·W. 贝利基金会

她和许多成功的女性领袖一样, 你对扩大你的人际网络感到兴奋, 但不确定从哪里开始, 看看这些网络资源.

Female small business owners have a variety of motivators for starting their business from inspiring other women entrepreneurs to showing others that it is possible to overcome the stigmas associated with women-owned businesses. Read on to see results from a recent survey for women entrepreneurs and women of color in business.

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部分资金来自与美国的合作协议.S. 小企业管理局. 所有的意见, and/or recommendations expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the SBA.

